8th International Conference on
Advanced Research in EDUCATION
27 – 29 March 2025

Oxford – United Kingdom

Introducing the most anticipated education conference 2025!

About Education Conference 2025

The premier education conference of this year – EDUCATIONCONF 2025 – offers a global forum to present the newest advancements in the field of education and research. The quality of education has increased tremendously over the last decades. Whether digital or traditional, we must ensure that this new age of educational tools, methods, and practices is incorporated into all aspects of research.

Experience a vibrant knowledge platform at the 8th International Conference of Advanced Research in Education. Previously, we have had great success and had participants from several countries like Slovakia, India, Malaysia, the Philippines, Ireland, Kenya, Peru, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovenia, and many more. This year, we aim to host our best event yet!

Observe and learn from a myriad of expert academics and researchers about topics like e-learning, language education, curriculum development, and dozens of others. Additionally, present your work, share your knowledge, and discuss how to implement these new methods into your research. Finally, this international conference on education will look at the trends and challenges both on a macro and micro levels. Don’t miss out on this highly informative event.

education conference
education conference

Topics and Subjects for the Education Conference 2025

education conference

Follow the latest developments in education. This international conference on education is looking for submissions related to the following topics:

Education Theory and Practice, Language Education (ELTFLT), Education Policy and Administration, Teaching, Child and Family Education, Learninge-Learning and Teaching. Other related topics will also be considered.

Submitted abstracts will be evaluated by the Scientific Committee. All submissions should report original and previously unpublished research results no matter the type of research paper you are presenting. Manuscripts should meet the format set by the Conference committee and are subject to review. Detailed instructions and full paper submission guidelines will be emailed within a few weeks following the conference.

Become a Presenter at EDUCATIONCONF 2025

Present in front of a global audience! Showcase your research and findings at this international conference on education. Engage in discussion with established academics and researchers, as well as form good networks and find potential funding opportunities. 

education conference
education conference

What Benefits Does Speaking at Education Conferences Offer? 

There are several benefits that come from presenting at education conferences: 

You get to present your work among a host of distinguished academics, researchers, and experts — potentially forming partnerships and mentorships.

You can interact, discuss and debate about your research, the common challenges and issues in your field, as well as brainstorm potential solutions for them.

You can inspire others to start their own research and excel in their respective field.

Develop and strengthen your soft skills.

The scientific committee is made up of several accomplished and exceptionally talented academics and researchers in many fields. They maintain a high quality for the programs of these education conferences. As such, every submission goes through a double-blind peer-review process, along with being evaluated for quality, authenticity, and relevancy. Moreover, get the best advice and suggestions on how to elevate the quality of your work and expand research possibilities from our leading experts. 

Plagiarism and Ethics Policies

The international education conference 2025 follows strict anti-plagiarism policies and, as such, checks every submission for plagiarism using Crossref Similarity Check Powered by iThenticate. All articles submitted to the conference first undergo a plagiarism check before being sent to our scientific committee for review. The submission will be automatically rejected at any time if found plagiarized. If you’d like to find out more information about the iThenticate software, click on the following link: https://www.crossref.org/services/similarity-check/

Publication opportunity

All accepted and registered abstracts will be published in the Conference Abstract Book with ISBN Number. Full papers will have publication opportunities in various Indexed International Journals, including SCOPUS, Web of Science, DOAJ, and many more, or as a Book Chapter.

  • Each Paper will be assigned Digital Object Identifier (DOI) from Cross Ref.
  • The abstract book/proceedings shall be submitted to Google Scholar for Indexing.
  • All papers have publication opportunities in various indexed international journals.

Interested in boosting your academic career? Become a published researcher in major academic journals with EDUCATIONCONF 2025. Getting published opens the door to many possibilities. You can get recognized and earn proximity into extensive academic circles, increase the amount of collaboration and networking opportunities, and so much more.

Teaching method conference
Learning conference
Learning conference
international conference on education
international conference on education
Learning conference
Learning conference
Teaching method conference

Just a Few Benefits of The Education Conference 2025?

These are the benefits that you can obtain from this international conference on education:

Increase and deepen your knowledge

Observe and learn from talented speakers as they talk about the latest advancements and innovations in education and research. Furthermore, get inspired to start your own research work and integrate these methods.

Form new networks and connections

This international conference on education will be attended by a host of academic experts, scholars, and researchers — making it great for dynamic networking. Immerse in refined discussions and debates about the future of education, the newest trends and developments discovered, as well as the common challenges seen here and how to solve them. Finally, this is an ideal place for students or new researchers to find mentors.

Become a speaker

Present your research and work in front of an extensive academic community. You can apply to be an oral or virtual speaker, or present a poster.

Become a published researcher

Get published in distinguished academic journals and gain recognition and credibility in accomplished academic circles.

Engage in roundtable discussions

Experience a unique and interactive form of learning by joining our roundtable sessions. This is a great way to elaborate and delve into detail about certain topics. Here, all our participants can contribute in the form of sharing their knowledge or research, asking questions, talking about challenges, as well as coming up with innovative solutions.

Receive awards

On the last day of this event, there will be an award gala to honor the presenter with the most outstanding research paper in the field of Education and Teaching.

Keynote Speaker

education conference

Asst. Prof. Michele Dunleavy

Assistant professor in Mary Immaculate College, Limerick, Ireland.

Speech Title: A Social Justice Paradigm to promote self-actualisation among neurodivergent students in primary and post primary schools

Previously, Michele taught in mainstream primary, special class and special school settings. Michele was seconded as an Advisor to the Special Education Support Service (SESS) where she worked with teachers at all levels. In addition, Michele worked as a Part-Time and Guest lecturer in Universities across Ireland. Michele has presented at many national and international conferences on the topic of autism, inclusion and the teaching of relationship and sexuality education (RSE) for autistic students. Michele has also published journal articles in autism and Inclusion. More recently Michele has completed research on the teaching of RSE for autistic students and has presented the findings at International, and World conferences and is currently working on journal article based on this research.

Highlighted Speakers

education conference

Chinedu Ifedi Onochie Okeke

education conference

Jacqueline Żammit

education conference

Andrew Robert Ian Leichsenring

Education Conference

Milburga Atcero

Education Conference

Seipati Baloyi-Mothibeli

Education Conference

Hiroko Nakamura

Education Conference

Nicole Bonavita

Education Conference

Urgen Dukpa

Past Speakers

education conference

Álvaro Balaguer

education conference

Lauren Mandel

education conference

Scott Threlfall

Education conference

Hisayo Kikuchi

education conference

Gulnara Rizakhojayeva

education conference

Madina Akeshova

education conference

Eunice Tan

education conference

Syed Jamali

education conference

Slav Gratchev

education conference

Ira Slabodar

education conference

Isabel Pavez

education conference

Ahmed El-Hashash

education conference

Milburga Atcero

education conference

Ulash Thakore-Dunlap

Education conference

Fan Yim Hung, Angel

Education conference

Valentina Gavranović

education conference

Anutsara Suwanwong

Education conference

Maya Levanon

Education conference

Gurmeet Singh Sikh

education conference

Adenike Akinsemolu

Registration for International education conferences 2025

Don’t forget to register for this great experience! Join as a participant or presenter. We also offer the option to become a virtual presenter to those who cannot attend this event in person. 

[17 March 2025]

Registration Deadline

Authors (Students)
Authors (Regular)
Virtual Delegate




Enjoy a Free Guided Tour of Oxford

Oxford is a diverse and historic city, just a short distance to the west of London. It’s a major British and European centre for the arts, science, technology and innovation, and a fantastic place to live and study. For centuries, scholars, artists, writers, scientists and film-makers have found inspiration in Oxford’s spectacular architecture—the city’s famous ‘dreaming spires’. Oxford’s complex history has given rise to its unique character. Around the splendid, medieval core of the ancient University and its colleges, there’s a bustling, welcoming modern city. Oxford is one of the most culturally diverse cities in the UK, with a vibrant and cosmopolitan community. Home to two major universities, it has some 40,000 students, almost a quarter of the city’s population, who come from all over the world. In Oxford, you’re never far away from green spaces—there are parks, gardens and meadows throughout the city, which is also surrounded by rolling countryside. The rivers running through the city give rise to Oxford’s famous traditions of rowing and punting, with miles of scenic waterways to enjoy.